Thursday, 25 April 2013

Assignment Group Members

Student name                            Student ID

Evonne Tai Lye Kuan                                             0314167

Amanda Lim Yezhoe                                              0314494

Lee Sean Fong                                                       0314301

Chin Jia Xiong                                                        0313800

Leela Nathasha Binti Mohamaad Aris Amar            0314449

Program Organized by the Ministry

Student Tourism Program


The Student Tourism Program was officially launched on 24 February 2001 by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism and the Minister of Education.

The main objectives of this program are :

  • To promote domestic tourism activities by cultivating a touring culture among students and encouraging them to visit historical and cultural places as well as eco-tourism destinations and other places;
  • To combat social ills which have been on the rise among students today through smart and beneficial use of their leisure time; and
  • To enhance racial unity and integration among the young generation through planned tourism and travel activities which will strengthen the relationship and interaction between the multi-racial students

What activities are implemented under this program?

  1. Student Tourism Club - To date, 1,344 tourism clubs have been established in secondary schools nationwide. These clubs organise activities at school level as well as function as information dissemination centres on 3Ps activities in the ministry to students. These activities include the 3Ps Seminar and Tourism Quiz.
  1. 3Ps Seminar - This seminar aims to expose teachers and students to the benefits of tourism and recreational activities apart from cultivating a touring culture and preventing students from being involved in negative pursuits. Participants will also obtain up-do-date information as well as special promotions and tour packages from tour agencies.
  1. State and National Student Tourism Quiz - This quiz is held every year and is open to all government-assisted schools except fully residential schools. The district or state level competitions are held to select representatives for the national level competition. It offers various attractive prizes including the Minister of Tourism's Challenge Trophy.

The Ministry's Organizational Chart

Functions of the Ministry

The ministry's main functions are:

  • To formulate a national tourism policy in order to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of the ministry
  • To implement policies relating to the growth and development of the tourism industry
  • To co-ordinate, monitor and assess the effectiveness of tourism programmes and projects

Introduction to Malaysia's Ministry of Tourism

The Ministry of Tourism is committed to the delivery of quality tourism industry services to its customers. 


Developing Malaysia as a world-class tourist destination


To work with all industry players to position the tourism industry as a catalyst for sustainable economic growth


To transform the national tourism industry into a major, sustainable, viable and quality sector that contributes to national development


  • To boost the contribution of the tourism sector to the national economy
  • To empower the rural community through rural tourism activities
  • To catalyse the development of 1Malaysia through tourism activities